Hercules CF conducted its second ever camp in Canada through CL Futbol in July of 2017. The first ever camp which was conducted in 2016 lead to seven players going on trial and 4 players moving to Spain as of August 2017 (Christian Starcevic, Kyle Romic, Luka Jankovic, and Joey D'Agostino).
The second camp looks to be on the same track as several players have been invited once again on trial to Hercules CF after a great showing. CL Futbol is very proud to provide a pathway for players to join professional Spanish academies and help further their careers in football.
We are certainly looking forward to the results of these most recent candidates and hosting the third Hercules CF camp in 2018.

Match Day for Players on Trial: Christian Starcevic (2001), Joey D'Agostino (2002), Luka Jankovic (2002), Dylan Medina (2001), Kyle Romic (2001)
The three Canadian players link up on the video below as Dylan Medina plays a ball into Space for Kyle Romic who lays the ball off for Joey D'Agostino's one touch finish.