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CL Futbol International Opening 2018

We as an organization are proud to provide footballers with an opportunity to be exposed to professional clubs through an educational experience by providing a residency in Alcante, Spain which is located 45 minutes away from Valencia.

The purpose of CL Futbol International is to provide quality footballers with the highest level of training and to market their talents to professional clubs in the Alicante region of Spain. This warm all year around region allows players to train outdoor all year long in a professional environment.

Residency players will receive continuous private sessions with UEFA pro licensed coach Julio Bonmatí as well as with UEFA B Licenced coach Chris Leko in the mornings, attend a Spanish private school that has partnered with CL Futbol International to provide a homeroom teacher and classroom just for the purpose of the players learning Spanish, and train with a professional club in Spain such as Hercules C.F for the duration of the semester.

Players will be accepted into the program after being assessed at either an identification camp or by an external assessment by the coaching staff.

While professional football is the final aim for our players, we will also be reaching out to NCAA schools in the United States to track our players in order to provide another path. Coaches will be invited to visit our residency in Spain as well as receive footage/profiles of our players.

The main objective of CL Futbol international is to provide the essentials that players need for success which include individualized coaching, training partners at a high level, a professionally focused environment, and the exposure to professional clubs by training side by side with the players they currently have.

Details regarding the residency will be released in early 2018 regarding the acceptance process and schedule. We are excited to begin this unique project which will give players the opportunity to pursue their careers as footballers or to obtain their education through a scholarship.

Introduction video can be found at the following link:

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